To renew membership you may do an etransfer to ramseybaysnow1@gmail.com. Annual membership fees are $20 single or $50 for a family with children
Club News and Updates
Jan 19, 2025
The Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club will be holding its Annual Snowmobile Rally Saturday, February 15, 2025.
Trail Route
Route information will be determined and posted approximately one week prior to the event.
Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers to assist for this event.
We will be using SignUp to organize volunteer positions.
Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact Benoit Gaudet (306-229-1883) to be signed up manually.
Prize Donations
We are seeking prize donations for this event. Business and individual donations are appreciated; thank you to Jacky Rustad who has volunteered to accept prize donations at Ramsey Bay (Lot 6 Block 13 Beaver Crescent); contact Benoit Gaudet if you have prize drop-offs in Saskatoon. The business donation letter can be viewed and printed here:
Donation Letter
Looking forward to a great event!
Jan 7, 2025
Dear members,
We are asking for feedback on a potential 2025 Fish Derby for Saturday March 15th. We have a volunteer willing to spearhead this event. Please take the time to complete this poll.
Thank you,
RBSC Executive Committee
December 24, 2024
Dear members of the RBSC,
We are happy to report that there is enough snow to have a Christmas Fun Run this year. Although we could use more, there’s enough to make it a go and enjoy some great company.
On Saturday Dec 28th, the RBSC welcomes all members to meet at the Centre Shelter from 11:00am – 2:00pm for a Bonfire, Hamburger or Hotdog and some soft drinks. Best and safest (at this time of year) would be via the River Road Trail. Don’t forget to bring cash as we will be having a 50/50.
The weather is supposed to be mild so it may be perfect for building a snowman!
If you have any questions, please reply to this email.
See you soon! Merry Christmas!!
RBSC Executive 
Nov 17, 2024
Dear members,
Reminder that memberships are due. If you have adult children or friends who would like to become members, please encourage them to do so.
What does it mean to be a member of the Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club (Final)
Nov 3, 2024
Annual AGM Meeting – Meeting Minutes and Executive Reports have been posted to the ‘Meetings‘ page on ramseybaysnow.com.
Election of Officers – Jeff Reeder’s 2 year term as Vice-President has ended. Jeff was nominated and accepted the Trail Coordinator role. Jacky Rustad was nominated and accepted the Vice-President Role. Benoit Gaudet’s 1 year term as Secretary/Treasurer has ended. He was nominated and accepted the same role for a new 2 year term. Loverne Thomson’s 2 year term as Member-at-Large ended. He was nominated and accepted the same role for a new 2 year term. You can refer to the Executive tab on ramseybaysnow.com.
Trail Clearing – Trail clearing has begun. An update has been posted to the ‘Trails Report’ on ramseybaysnow.com. We have completed 98% of the sand pit / Hewitt Bay trail to Cheyaas lake. Just a few hundred yards left at Cheyaas. We have also completed approx 8 kms of trail from the Rock Lake trail toward Musquash Lake.
RBSC Executive
Oct 10, 2024

Hello everyone,
The Annual General Meeting for the Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club will be held on Sunday October 27, 2024 starting at 10 AM at the Hall.
Among the business to discuss will be openings for two year terms for the positions of Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Trail Coordinator and one Member-at-Large. These positions will end in November this year and we will need people to step forward and take on these positions. If you have questions about what these positions entail, reply to this email or contact Benoit Gaudet at 306-229-1883. Another important topic discussed will be the Annual Snowmobile Rally.
Also, with the upcoming snowmobile season a couple short months away, we need to focus some attention on our trails before the snow flies. With the numerous strong winds we had this summer and fall, it is expected that there will be many fallen trees. We are hoping to have a work-bee on Saturday Oct 26th, where members come together to help clear our beautiful trails. Get those chainsaws sharpened and get some last ATV riding in!!! Meeting point will be at Randy Steinhauer’s cabin on Beaver. For more information on how you can help, feel free to call or text Randy at 306-221-6172.
One of the Club’s annual fundraisers is the ability to sell SSA Raffle Ticket Books. If you would like to support the club by buying tickets or would like a book to sell, please contact Giselle Hooey at (306) 260-6433 or giselledebruyne@msn.com. Giselle, a past executive member of the RBSC, has graciously volunteered to assist with this……Thank you!
Reminder that your club membership can be paid at any time throughout the new season; e-transfers for memberships can be sent to ramseybaysnow1@gmail.com. Please include your name and membership type in the etransfer comments. Family memberships are $50 and Single memberships are $20 for the season (April 1, 2024 – Mar 31, 2025). We can also collect membership fees at the AGM.
Thank you!
April 27, 2024
Fun Run 2024. What a fantastic day from start to finish! Great group of people….lots of laughs, fun stories and pride in our community! Shout out to Randy Steinhauer for spear-heading the fun run and organizing the food and prizes. Big shout out to Les Anderson for winning the “Most senior” rider and picking the case of Wagon Wheels as his prize. We love to see this! Young and Old together enjoying a beautiful spring day!

April 14, 2024
Hi all,
Please see the Poster below as it relates to our planned ATV fun run coming up on April 27th.
RBSC Thunder Hills ATV Fun Run
Feb 25, 2024
The 2024 Snowmobile Rally was held last Saturday, the weather was beautiful, hope everyone enjoyed the ride. We had over 100 riders with 193 hands sold. Thank you to the riders and non-riders that came out to support the Club!
Thank you to the individuals and businesses who donated prizes, and the many, many volunteers who dedicated their time to make this event happen, we couldn’t do it without you and we are very grateful for all of the hard work you put in.
Rally Hand Winners:
1st Place: John Fox (Marian Uytterhagen)
2nd Place: Zonnie Zarubiak
3rd Place: Greg and Sharon Melvin
50/50 Winner: Kane Kuiack
Bucket Raffle Winners: Jackie Longwirth, Wayne Harnett and Benoit Gaudet.
If you were unable to attend the rally and would like to pay up your membership for the season, you can etransfer the club at ramseybaysnow1@gmail.com or contact Benoit Gaudet at (306) 229-1883. Family memberships are $50, single memberships are $20 each.
The updated large scale (22”x36”) paper Trail Maps that were displayed at the rally are still for sale for $25; Please contact Giselle Hooey (306) 260-6433 if you would like to purchase one. Thank you to FastPrint Saskatoon who donated the maps for our fundraiser.
Feb 15, 2024
FYI….The gate at the base of Thunder Mountain is now open.
Feb 14, 2024
Hi all,
Looking forward to the Family Day Long Weekend.
Please see the route map for this Saturday’s rally, along with the Poster for all necessary details.
Thanks again to those volunteers who have already signed up. Just reaching out to others who could hopefully fill these spots:
– people to help with Friday hall set-up
– baking donations (muffins and squares)
– 2 people at George Lake Shelter
– general volunteers at the hall in the afternoon
– 1 person to help Kitchen Prep and Serving
– 1 person to assist with prize announcing and distribution
– 2 people to help with kitchen cleanup Saturday evening
– hall cleanup Sunday morning
See you soon!
Proposed Route 2024

2024 Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club Rally
November 28, 2023:
Annual AGM Meeting – Meeting Minutes and Executive Reports have been posted to the ‘Meetings‘ page on ramseybaysnow.com
Election of Officers – Randy Steinhauer submitted a self-nomination for the President role to the Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club Executive. No other nominations were received. The Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club Executive has accepted the nomination, and Randy Steinhauer assumes the 2 year term of President uncontested effective November 18, 2023. We are still accepting nominations for the Trail Coordinator position (2 year term).
Centre Shelter – Work on the shelter build will continue this weekend (Dec. 2/3), volunteers are still needed. The group will be leaving from Randy Steinhauer’s cabin at 9 am. Contact Randy Steinhauer (306) 221-6172 for more information.
Trail Clearing – Trail clearing has begun; a group will be heading to clear Kid’s Lake Trail this weekend. If you would like to assist in trail clearing, please contact Tyler Hooey (306) 230-7501.
November 14, 2023:
Annual AGM Meeting – Election of Officers
The Annual AGM was held this past Sunday, Nov. 12th. The meeting minutes will be distributed once approved, but we wanted to provide an update regarding the Election of Officers which was discussed at the meeting.
Benoit Gaudet was nominated at the meeting for the position of Secretary/Treasurer (replacing Giselle Hooey), and Chad Bartel has offered to stay in his position as Member at Large for another term, as there were no nominations for that position. These nominations were approved at the meeting.
No names were put forward after 2 calls for nomination for President or Trail Coordinator. After no nominations were put forth, a motion was passed to keep the call for nominations open until November 30th, to allow additional time for persons to submit nominations.
Subsequent to the meeting, Randy Steinhauer has indicated that he will let his name stand for the position of President. To follow the motion at the AGM this notice will act as a 3rd call for nominations for the position of President for a 2 year term (2023-2025 seasons). This call will remain open until 4:30 pm Friday, November 17th.
The Trail Coordinator position (2 year term) will remain open for nominations until November 30th.
These are both important roles within the club, and we require persons to stand for these positions. Nominations, which require the agreement of the nominee to let their name stand, can be submitted via email to the RBSC email, Greg Melvin or Giselle Hooey (contact info below).
Greg Melvin
RBSC Executive
Jan 22/23:
RBSC 2023 Annual Snowmobile Rally
The annual rally will be held Saturday, February 18th.
We are still in need of volunteers to assist for this event.
We will be using SignUp to organize volunteer positions. Click on the link to view available spots and sign up to help.
Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact RBSC or Giselle Hooey and we can sign you up manually.
Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on SignUp:
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots – SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.
Prize Donations
We are seeking prize donations for this event. Business and individual donations are appreciated; thank you to Jacky Rustad has volunteered to accept prize donations (Lot 6 Block 13 Beaver Crescent). The business donation letter can be printed viewed and printed here:
Donation Letter
Jan 10/23:
The club is looking to gauge interest from our membership in regards to hosting an in-person Snowmobile Safety Course this season at Weyakwin Lake.
This safety course is geared towards anyone born on or after January 1, 1989 and is hosted by a certified safety instructor.
The cost for the course is $50 per student and participants must be 12 years old on the date of the class to attend. More information can be found on the SSA website linked below.
As hosting the course requires a minimum class size, we would like to hear from our members if there is interest in bringing this course to the lake, and the number of participants interested in registering prior to setting a class date.
Please comment below or direct message the
Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club stating your interest, and the number of participants no later than January 17th.
Safety – Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association
Anyone born on or after January 1, 1989 in Saskatchewan is required by law to complete a Snowmobile Safety Course. Without it, you may be charged and your insurance may be invalid.
Dec 10/22:
We went to check out the Center Shelter location today. When we got there we realized there was a ground fire burning. We gathered up some tools and some helpers and after an hour of work had all the hotspots out.
Thanks to everyone who came out to help today!
The Weyakwin Fire Base and the Conservation Officers have kindly agreed to open the gate at the base of Thunder Mountain from December 15th to March 31st. If you are sledding in the vicinity of the mountain give yourself some extra time to go to the top, the view is spectacular.
We are still in need of someone to be the coordinator for 2023 Snowmobile Rally. This is the Club’s largest and most important event of the year so please give serious consideration to taking on this role. If you have any questions about the role of the coordinator please contact Greg or Giselle.
Jeff Reeder has assumed the position of Vice-President for a two-year term effective immediately. Welcome to the Executive Jeff.
Is there any interest in having a guided tour of some of our trails and to the shelters. If so drop a note to the Club’s email address Ramseybaysnow1@gmail.com. Please include your email address and the number of people that would take the tour. If the interest is there hopefully we can arrange for a tour or tours in mid to late December.
A huge thank you to Chad and Carleen Bartel for their generous donation of fuel. This will certainly help keep the Club sleds running while they are grooming the snowmobile and cross-country ski trails.
Also, a thank you to the people that have helped with the trail clearing and cutting the trail to the new shelter site. There are still lots of trails to clear and trees continue to fall so be sure to always have a saw with you when you travel.
Greg Melvin
RBSC President
Nov 8/22: Trail Clearing:
The trail cleaning planned for Friday, Nov 11 is still a go. We will meet at the hall at 8:30 am.
It is recommended that you use a sled rather than a quad for your transportation. Looking forward to seeing a large turnout.
Nov 2022: Trail Clearing Update:
Last week we had a good start to the annual fall tail clearing; thank you Warren, Peter, Tyler and Russ; and Randy and David started the trail to the new shelter site.
To continue with the trail inspection and clearing we will be gathering at the hall on Friday, November 11 at 8:30 AM. Our objective for that day is to finish clearing the Kids Lake Trail. If we have sufficient person power we would like to have a crew of 3-4 people working from each end of the trail. This would require a volunteer to haul the club sled trailer to the trailhead on Highway 916. If we can create additional crews of 3-4 people, the trails to the George Lake shelter and the new shelter site are next on our priority list. Everyone is welcome.
Also a reminder of the AGM on Saturday November 12th , 10:00 AM at the Hall.
Greg Melvin
RBSC President
Nov 2022: Trail Clearing.
Today we cleared the Cheeyas trail from the Rock Lake road to Cheeyas lake. Thanks to Greg, Warren, Tyler and Peter. Also a big thanks to Warren Rustad who earlier cleared the trail from Ramsey Bay to the Rock Lake road. Many fire killed trees down across the trail.
Oct 15/22: Annual General Meeting
The Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club Annual General Meeting will be held Saturday, November 12th at 10 am.
We will need two new members for the executive; a Vice President and a Member at Large; each of which is a two-year term. Please give serious consideration to letting your name stand for one of these positions.
Memberships can be purchased prior to the meeting to ensure you are up to date for the season.
We will also have Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association raffle tickets for distribution. The club receives proceeds from the sale of these tickets so please consider taking a book to sell on the club’s behalf.
Mar 13/22:
The Ramsey Bay snowmobile club was formed in the year 2000. In 2011 or 2012 we produced a photobook with stories entitled “the first 10 years”. We are now ready to make another book “the second 10 years”. Giselle Hooey and Peter Kirychuk will be producing this book. If you have any stories or photos or both please email to pkirychuk@gmail.com. The price of the book will vary depending on the order size. The first book sold for approximately $35. To determine the price please post or email whether you may be interested in purchasing a book.
The first book is available and may still be purchased.
Mar 10/22:
This is to confirm that the 2022 Fish Derby has been cancelled. Although the COVID restrictions have now been relaxed it did not give us sufficient time to organize the event for this year. Hopefully we can reinstate the event in 2023.
Feb 23/22:
Thank you to everyone who submitted a name for the new shelter. There were over forty suggestions. In keeping with the middle of the province theme, we have chosen THE CENTRE Shelter as the official name. However we were also intrigued with a number of suggestions to name the shelter using Cree words meaning centre. After consultation with several people including an individual from the Village of Weyakwin we will also include the words Tawahik Kisiskaciwan (Cree for centre of Saskatchewan) on the sign that will be erected at the site.
The recipients of the 2022-23 Family Membership are Debra Bender-Hering, Tim Dament, Connie Kirychuk and Peter Kirychuk.
Feb 18,22:
Our club is selling 8″x11″ laminated maps that show trails and shelters including the new proposed shelter location.
Maps are priced at $20 and are available from Randy Steinhauer on Beaver over the long weekend. Phone 306 221 6172.
We have received approval to construct a new warm-up shelter near the center of Saskatchewan. A great deal of work has been done to get us to this stage and there is a great deal more work that lies ahead. We are in the process of developing a broad plan for this project, however as part of the approval process we must NAME THE SHELTER.
To NAME THE SHELTER we are seeking your input. Please send us a name or several for the new shelter to Ramseybaysnow1@gmail.com by Noon on Tuesday February 15, 2022. (sorry for the short time period but those are the parameters that have been put on us by the SSA) The name should tie into the ‘Center of Saskatchewan’ theme. A 2022 family membership will be awarded to the innovative person whose shelter name is chosen.
Feb 2/22: Forestry operations will once again be moving into the 4 lakes area this winter within the next week. This will affect snowmobiling on the 4 lakes trail and part of the Ashley trail.
Feb 1/22: Snow, snow and more snow! We have a lot but with the heavy snow slush is abundant on most lakes. Also with the snow, trees are continuing to fall on trails so be prepared when riding.
The regular annual rally is again cancelled for this year because of the ongoing pandemic. Hopefully next year will be back to normal.
Jan 17/22: An update on snow and trail conditions at Ramsey bay. Most of the trails have been cleared somewhat but some still need work. With the recent warm temperatures and the heavy load of snow slush is now appearing on most lakes. Otherwise conditions are good and enjoy your sledding trips.
Dec 20/21:
The family fun ride scheduled for Dec 29/21 has been cancelled. This was made necessary by the ongoing covid pandemic.
Most of the major trails have been opened up including to the three shelters. The trails still need work so if riding during the holidays carry a saw and help clean them up. Snow conditions are good and only a few patches of slush on the lakes.
We wish a Merry Christmas to all and a Happy Sledding New Year.
The snowmobiling season has arrived. A few more inches of snow last week and conditions are good. Some trails have been cleared but most still need clearing. When riding please carry a saw with you and help open these trails. There is 1 foot or more of ice on the lakes and some fish shacks are out on Weyakwin Lake. The cross country ski trails are groomed in the bay, campground and bush. Please stay off these trails with snowmobiles.
Nov 15/21: We have snow! 5 or 6 inches so far and more coming this week. Lake is now frozen but only an inch or two of ice. It won’t be long before sledding is back for another season.
The club held the annual general meeting last Saturday. Many topics were discussed and we now have a new executive.
President…Greg Melvin
VP…Loverne Thompson
Sec/Treas…Giselle Hooey
Trail Coordinators/SSA delegates…David Street & Randy Steinhauer
Members at large…Brant Kirychuk & Chad Bartel.
Meeting minutes will be posted on this site when available.
The annual meeting of the Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club will be held on Saturday Nov 13/21 at 10 am in the community hall. There will be many important topics to discuss as well as the election of officers for a 2 year term. As per hall policy you must be fully vaccinated to attend this meeting.
Oct 13/21:
Good Evening RBSC members,
We are currently planning to have this year’s annual meeting on November 13, 2021 at 10:00am. Of course Covid-19 restrictions may again lead to us having to reschedule or move to a virtual meeting.
2020 would have brought an end to a 2 year term for our executive. Luckily all of our executives agreed to stay on for another year throughout the pandemic but now have indicated that they no longer wish to keep their positions.
We will have the following positions to fill at this years meeting;
President – outgoing Tyler Tollefson
Vice President – outgoing Lovern Thompson
Past President – outgoing Wayne Harnett (Tyler Tollefson will stay on to fill this roll)
Secretary/Treasure – outgoing Natasha Brandt
Trail Coordinator – outgoing Peter Kirychuk
Members at large – outgoing Chad Bartel and Brandt Kirychuk
We cannot emphasize enough that without an executive our Club will not be able to continue to operate. If anyone is interested in any of these positions or are looking for more information on what the job entails please feel free to reach out to anyone of our current or past executive members.
The RBSC Executive