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Mail: PO Box 62  Weyakwin, SK.S0J 1W0

Email: ramseybaysnow1@gmail.com

Phone:  President (Randy Steinhauer)  306-221-6172

Vice President (Jacky Rustad) 306-290-4142

Secretary (Benoit Gaudet) 306-229-1883

Trail Coordinator (Jeff Reeder) 306-961-2671

The Ramsey Bay Snowmobile Club was formed in 2001. We are located at Weyakwin Lake approximately 160 km north of Prince Albert, Sask. There are a wide variety of trails to ride,  from narrow bush trails crossing many lakes to wide open roads. Adjacent to these trails are open meadows ideal for the deep powder sledders. There are three shelters all equipped with wood heaters and propane barbecues.  Trails to these shelters are regularly groomed. Annual membership fees are $20 single or $50 family with children. Renewals can be made by e transfer to ramseybaysnow1@gmail.com or by cash or cheque to any executive member.

Location Map

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